3: Release notes 
The GUI Layout Toolbox version numbers take the form major.minor.iter
. The
current version you have installed can be checked by typing ver
at the MATLAB command prompt.
Section contents:
3.1: Version 2.2.1 
- Released 26 February 2016
- Fixed G1346921 "Mouse pointer gets confused when moving between adjacent flex containers"
- Fixed G1357340 "BoxPanel property ForegroundColor is initialized incorrectly"
3.2: Version 2.2 
- Released 18 December 2015
- Improved box panel title bar appearance
- Changed selection behavior of uix.TabGroup to match that of uitabgroup when the selected tab is removed
- Fixed G1253937 "uix.TabPanel/redrawTabs fails" (R2015b)
- Fixed G1292238 "uix.BoxPanel/redrawBorders fails" (R2015b)
- Fixed G1330841 "mouse-over-divider detection does not work for docked figures" (all)
- Fixed G1332109 "uix.Empty background color does not match that of its Parent" (all)
- Fixed G1334867 "cannot add axes to container" (R2016a prerelease)
- Removed internal helper classes uix.AncestryObserver, uix.LocationObserver, uix.VisibilityObserver
- Updates to documentation
3.3: Version 2.1.2 
- Released 29 May 2015
- Fixed G1250248 "uix.Empty becomes visible in a panel"
- Fixed G1250249 "missing property Selection of uix.BoxPanel"
- Fixed G1250808 "uix.TabPanel context menus are orphaned when reparenting to a different figure"
- Minor updates to documentation
3.4: Version 2.1.1 
- Released 15 May 2015
- Added context menus on uix.TabPanel tab labels (G1245669)
- Fixed G1164656 "cannot set relative tab widths"
- Fixed G1019441 "property RowSizes of uiextras.GridFlex sets heights not widths"
- Fixed G1165274 "missing properties RowSizes, MinimumRowSizes, ColumnSizes,
MinimumColumnSizes of uiextras.Grid, uiextras.GridFlex"
- Fixed G1218142 "contents are lost when reordering via property Children"
- Protected against G1136196 "segv when setting child visibility from 'off' to 'on' in response to being reparented
- Minor fixes to documentation
3.5: Version 2.1 
- Released 2 October 2014
- Initial version for MATLAB R2014b
- Versions 2.0.x were for prerelease testing
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